Effect of Physicochemical Parameters of Soils on Transferand Bioaccumulation of Potentially Toxic Elements inPlants, Wadi Turabah
Transfer factors, Physicochemical parameters, Potentially toxic elements, Soils, Fruits, ICP−method.Abstract
Transfer and bioaccumulation of elements within soil-plant-chain (SPC) is part of the biochemical cycling of elements. The physicochemical properties of soils indirectly influence the migration and the transformation ability of elements from soils to plants. The aim of this study was to determine some selected physicochemical parameters (PCP) moisture contents (MC), moisture correction factors (MCF), pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) of soils to assess their effects on transfer of potentially toxic elements (PTE) As, Al, Cd, and Pb from soils to fruits. The PCP of soils were studied using soil slurries, the PTE in soils were determined by ICP and the transfer factors (TF) of PTE were calculated. The results showed that soils have low MC (10.50−11.25 %), moderately low EC (3.3x103−5.3x103 S/cm) and slightly alkaline pH (7.45−8.66). Statistical test revealed that variation between PCP were statistically significant (P ˂ 0.05). The results indicate that Pb and As (TF ˃ 0.280) transfer more than Al and Cd (TF < 0.004), but the general ability of PTE to transfer from soils to plants were moderately low (TF < 1). The results of this study confirmed that the plants in the study areas were safe and could be used for human consumption without any health problems.
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